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Will My Child Ever be Free of Food Allergies?

When Dr. Trill used to describe her child’s food allergies as an infant (bloody diapers and eczema!), people immediately want to know how she is doing now. Luckily, both her daughters went from severe reactions to completely food tolerant by the time they were one. Interestingly, it’s not uncommon for infants to essentially “grow out” of their food sensitivities.

Approximately 80% of food allergies occur before a person’s first birthday. Most of those cases resolve themselves within 9-12 months of the original allergy in infants. [1] This is dependent on the individual child and the specific food causing the reaction.

More specifically, children who are allergic to cow's milk typically outgrow their reactivity while those with peanut and tree nut allergies are less likely to. Even individuals who develop a tolerance for milk may do so in a few months while others may take 10 years.

Let’s Dig into the Data Behind When Your Child Will Be Free From Food Allergies

One study examined 1,749 infants, 117 had suspected milk allergy and 39 had confirmed cases. In the confirmed cases, 56% were milk tolerant by age 1, 77% by age 2, and 87% by age 3. This, and several similar research papers, support the concept that food sensitivities peak in the first year of age with varying levels of resolution by age three. [2]

Another peer-reviewed article followed 82 food-allergic children from 6 months to 14 years old. Of the 12 children with milk allergies, only 1 remained unchanged by the end of their study. Of the 55 patients with egg allergies, only 11 remained unchanged.

However, 27 of the 32 children with fish sensitivities and 35 of 35 children allergic to peanuts remained unchanged. [3]

A smaller study found the following tolerance developments over time: 30% of egg, 57% of milk, 25% of wheat, and 67% of soy [4].

Remember the good news: The majority of children outgrow their food sensitivities. We understand you want to mark a date on the calendar and celebrate but it doesn't quite work that way. Let's learn a little more about food allergies.

4 Interesting Facts From The Natural History of Food Allergy [5]

  • 1️⃣ Suspected food allergies are extremely common in early childhood, with 25% of parents reporting adverse food reactions. However, testing mechanisms for children under 1 year are inefficient and often inconclusive. This means that a mere 5-10% of infant food allergies are confirmed.

  • 2️⃣ Children who suffer from one food allergy have a high risk of developing additional sensitivities to food and an increased risk of asthma and rhinitis.

  • 3️⃣ Siblings of allergen-ridden children are significantly more likely to develop food allergies as well (which is why Dr. Trill was not surprised to discover that her second daughter also had food sensitivities).

  • 4️⃣ For most types of infant reactivity (NOT ALL!), strict avoidance of the offending food helps the outgrowing process. Even small exposure to the food may delay the development of tolerance.

Main Takeaways on Outgrowing Food Allergies

Infants who have food allergies may develop a tolerance over time. The likelihood of this is dependent on the offending food, the child, and the type of reaction. To help the process, strict avoidance of that food is recommended for a minimum of several months.

When your child’s immune system gets a break, it gives them time to heal and hopefully build a tolerance to their food trigger. Learn more about reintroduction here.

We know it isn’t easy but you are not alone. If you’re lost or struggling, please reach out to one of our food allergy experts today!


  1. Bock SA. Prospective appraisal of complaints of adverse reactions to foods in children during the first 3 years of life. Pediatrics.1987;79 :683– 688

  2. Host A, Halken S. A prospective study of cow milk allergy in Danish infants during the first 3 years of life. Clinical course in relation to clinical and immunological type of hypersensitivity reaction. Allergy.1990;45 :587– 596

  3. Dannaeus A, Inganas M. A follow-up study of children with food allergy. Clinical course in relation to serum IgE- and IgG-antibody levels to milk, egg, and fish. Clin Allergy.1981;11 :533– 539

  4. Sampson HA, Scanlon SM. Natural history of food hypersensitivity in children with atopic dermatitis. J Pediatr.1989;115 :23– 27

  5. Wood RA. The natural history of food allergy. Pediatrics. 2003 Jun 1;111(Supplement 3):1631-7.


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