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Join our empowering 2-hour live masterclass, "Flourishing with FPIES," led by Dr. Trill, PhD, Founder of Free to Feed, Molecular Biologist, and Mother. This comprehensive session is designed to equip you with the scientific knowledge and practical tools necessary to identify FPIES reactions and support your precious baby. 🤱🏾


This virtual masterclass is your chance to get science-backed support from the comfort of your own home. 💻


During this masterclass, you'll receive expert guidance on identifying and managing both acute and chronic symptoms of FPIES, including reflux, mucus/bloody stools, and vomiting. We'll cover treatment strategies, how to find experienced medical professionals, food trialing techniques, and a starter list of low-reactivity foods. Additionally, you'll gain insights into why FPIES is often overlooked in the medical community. 🩺


This course is ALSO invaluable for lactation and medical professionals seeking the latest research on FPIES and strategies to support parents on their journey. It offers a unique perspective into the real-life questions and struggles faced by families dealing with FPIES. 🫂


As a bonus, you'll receive access to a recording of the event to revisit at your convenience, along with 🆓 materials including the "FPIES Top 25 Triggers," "First Safe Solids List," "Reaction Timing Fridge Printout," a "Friends and Family Information Sheet", and more! 🍎


Here's what participants had to say about their experience in the last Flourishing with FPIES course:



"I really enjoyed it. It was refreshing to hear that I'm not the only one going through it. It made me feel validated. I had to bring my suspicion of an FPIES diagnosis to both the pediatrician and the allergist. If I hadn't been a 'Google doctor,' I feel like it would've taken far too long to diagnose our son and would've had to go through many more acute episodes. Wish more doctors would study up on FPIES, perhaps it seems more common than documents - wonder how many more people are suffering through it without knowing."

- Parent of an 8-month-old



"I love this course! I am not one to pay for things like this, but I am so glad I did. I have spent probably hundreds if not thousands of hours reading about FPIES-related things in the past 3 years, and there was so much in this course that I didn't know! Dr. Trill balances her role as a professional scientist that knows all the data and as a relatable mom that has been through it, so well. I would strongly recommend this course to anyone interested in learning about FPIES, whether they are new to this life or not."

- Parent of a 10-month-old and a 3-year-old


Knowledge is power! Snag this Master Class Recording and Resources now and get science-backed support. 

Flourishing with FPIES Master Class

SKU: 120018
  • This is a general, science-based educational course and is not meant to replace standard medical care or treatment advice.

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